Starting Here

I’m starting here; with presentness, on my journey toward open discovery.

I initially started this website at the end of 2022, I had recently been laid-off from my role at Maker Ed, I had decided to start my own business, I was energized and motivated to begin sharing my journey of making stuff, in real-time.

— Six months later and zero blog posts out, I’ve been pretty bummed out with how things have gone so far. Although I’ve made some progress in freelancing, I’ve had a hard time unpacking the stress of being on my own. Admin tasks and maintence took a lot of my bandwidth, and I spent a lot of my time at home, socially withdrawn.

In all this time, I’ve been struggling to figure out what would be my first blog post. And the longer it’s taken me to decide, the harder it’s gotten for me to get started. Ultimately, I’ve realized this journey starts at acceptance. Acceptance toward myself and toward the present moment.

So I choose to meet myself here, without pretending to be anywhere else – or further along – than where I am at now.






One response to “Starting Here”

  1. Mia Avatar

    Huge kudos on your willingness to share and be so open here, Donaldo. I have greatly enjoyed reading and exploring your site.
    Your graphic is a powerful evocation of how our minds spiral endlessly and how tightly we analyze and pressure ourselves.
    I truly hope this will be a breathing space for you, and that you will be able to look back through your posts here and celebrate your unique contributions- which the world needs!

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